
Swift name associated with the best international male

Emilie sundae, laboratory · Award nomination "very Kool 2013 most things."
Emilie sundae, laboratory · Award nominations 2013 up, play.The nomination list, · January 10th (wood) London should you harmed the · published in 2012; hotel, with Danish rehabilitation department at the Danish national team,,, and for DoCoMo, award winning Emily, 2013 is also the best female SOLO artist, Emilie not only album "sundae" best album, even "Vinh phuc,, simple, Michiru," love hair collaboration "the center, center, and the fierce, at once, a department of" 2 best singles were nominated, most prize will look forward to.

● Emilie sundae image

the published about Emilie is "very good mood.Excellent, however, a terrible mood also do.Because the outcome who also don't know.What also don't award.""But such recognition pride.In 2012, Danish rehabilitation department at the Danish national team,,, for DoCoMo, won the prize, and second years after this laboratory resurfaces, nominated is very, very cool thing yo "happy.And, have

winners decided Tom · only data on rehabilitation department at the Danish group, Vinh phuc, team,,,,, for I-mode is harmed, you should the hotel to Emily "last year at this time, my excitement and tension of the mixed feeling.Want to come now, enjoy it. "" Tom distinguished musicians.He prize hand crossing good things.".
After Emilie
the nomination, and with the development for DoCoMo I-mode harmed,,,,, and should Alto · the 2 group of 3 departments, Jay, I even · Mousika, B, Jesse · clothing, Ben Howard, Coldplay, Paloma · facial, Austrian · the 2 sector; nomination of farmers.

the best international female SOLO artist department, Rihanna, Alicia, - for, Swift name associated with the best international male, solo departments also Jack white, department at KEK, Michael · group level, Frank · marine, Bruce & middot; Springsteen and other major members arranged.

and, the best performance, act department is 1977 laboratory · when the prize was first held in the Department also nominated as a number, rehabilitation, social, group, led by,, Coldplay, Jiro, and with the development for DoCoMo I-mode harmed,,,,,, should, Za you tap tap, Danish, for et al was nominated.

Emilie and Jesse, Paloma, best female SOLO artist division, once harmed group, RA, et al are nominated, died suddenly in 2011 Amy wine house name entered.

laboratory selection (water) · February 20, 2013 London O2 stadium in James · course design: held, under the auspices of the day, Mousika, hall, Williams, Emilie Ben,, Noyes Museum, the Danish,, who performed a predetermined.Related articles] [laboratory · already published, nominated documentary film, miracle, "fierce and group with miracles are loving man," Oscar nominated UK, cassette singles popularity resurrection?Plastic tray of Britain in 2012 the top 10 best-selling London's Olympic Stadium, music as a field update
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